
The Great Rethink and Resignation
– By Jeremy Miller
Not long ago, an employee sat across from me fighting back tears, and through a crackling voice she said, “I just don’t think I can give my all right now.”
Another day, another resignation. In 2021, 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs. Yes, read that again. 47 million.
While Covid has been rightly seen as the great catalyst for what is coined, The Great Resignation, we need to also ask, “why are employees so eager to flee their jobs?” We can point fingers, assign blame, or ask self-pitying questions, such as: “Why me? My employees have a great job, they get paid very well, they have worked with me for so long, they must be happy, right?”

Those Deals You See Entrepreneurs Celebrating on 'Shark Tank' Don't Always Come to Pass
– By Jeremy Miller
What looks like a deal is really a starting point for discussion when the show is over.
Shark Tank makes for good TV. It’s easy to get sucked into the drama of a hopeful entrepreneur versus a panel of sophisticated sharks. It’s tempting to root for the entrepreneur, nervously making the pitch of their lives that could launch a fledgling business into the stratosphere. Since a train wreck unfolding before our eyes is nearly irresistible too, we also watch to see which hapless entrepreneurs flub the pitch and are left to take that long walk, head down and alone, toward the exit.

What Got You Here Will Get You There
– By Jeremy Miller
Applying this notion to your team will strengthen company culture, boost employee morale, and bolster the bottom line.
One of the most gratifying aspects of success in business is watching the people who helped the company get off the ground grow right along with it and enjoy its success. However, I constantly hear from other entrepreneurs who are looking for a new flock of people that will take their business from where it is to new heights. Often founders complain that it is hard to find "A-level" people through recruiting or job searches and that “all the good people are taken.”